Coronavirus Canada Updates: OPH reports 34 new COVID-19 cases and zero deaths Sunday

Coronavirus Canada Updates: OPH reports 34 new COVID-19 cases and zero deaths Sunday
Coronavirus Canada Updates: OPH reports 34 new COVID-19 cases and zero deaths Sunday

Ottawa Public Health is reporting 34 more people in the city have tested positive for COVID-19.

According to the public health unit’s COVID-19 dashboard, there have been 27,426 total laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa since March 11, 2020. A total of 585 residents have died due to COVID-19. OPH did not report any new deaths on Sunday.

Health officials reported 530 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 across Ontario on Sunday, along with 763 newly-resolved cases, bringing Ontario’s active case count to its lowest level since August 2020. Public Health Ontario added 24 new cases of COVID-19 to its total for Ottawa. Figures from OPH often differ from those provided by Public Health Ontario because the two health agencies pull data for their respective daily reports at different times of the day.

Seven more Ontarians have died from COVID-19.

Ten more cases of COVID-19 were reported across eastern Ontario on Sunday: four in the Eastern Ontario Health Unit; two in Hastings Prince Edward Public Health’s region; zero in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Public Health region; three in the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit; and one in Renfrew County and District Public Health’s region.

Step One of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen plan began at 12:01 a.m. June 11.

Ottawa Public Health data:

COVID-19 cases per 100,000 (June 5 to June 11): 18.8 (down from 19.5)
Positivity rate in Ottawa (June 4 to June 10): 3.9 per cent
Reproduction number (seven day average): 0.80
Reproduction values greater than 1 indicate the virus is spreading and each case infects more than one contact. If it is less than 1, it means spread is slowing.

Ottawa Public Health updates vaccine numbers on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

As of June 11:

Ottawa residents with 1 dose (12+): 630,245
Ottawa residents with 2 doses (12+): 91,122
Total doses received in Ottawa: 663,610

As of Friday, 71 per cent Ottawa residents 18 and older had received at least one dose of the vaccine. Eleven per cent of Ottawa residents 18 and older have received two doses.

*Total doses received does not include doses shipped to pharmacies and primary care clinics, but statistics on Ottawa residents with one or two doses includes anyone with an Ottawa postal code who was vaccinated anywhere in Ontario.

Ottawa Public Health reported 14 people in Ottawa hospitals with COVID-19 related illnesses, down from 18 on Saturday.

There are three people in the intensive care unit, down from four.

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