Coronavirus Canada update: Nearly 1,100 cases, 13 deaths

Coronavirus Canada update: Nearly 1,100 cases, 13 deaths
Coronavirus Canada update: Nearly 1,100 cases, 13 deaths

Canada reached a grim milestone Friday as the country surpassed 1,100 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, with at least 13 of them fatal.

The latest numbers of confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases in Canada as of 12:22 EST a.m. on March 21, 2020:

There are 1,085 confimred and presumptive cases in Canada.

British Columbia: 348 confirmed (including 9 deaths, 5 resolved)
Ontario: 318 confirmed (including 2 deaths, 5 resolved)
Alberta: 195 confirmed (including 1 death)
Quebec: 139 confirmed (including 1 death, 1 resolved)
Saskatchewan: 8 confirmed, 18 presumptive
Manitoba: 17 confirmed
Nova Scotia: 5 confirmed, 10 presumptive
New Brunswick: 7 confirmed, 4 presumptive
Canadians quarantined at CFB Trenton: 10 confirmed
Newfoundland and Labrador: 3 confirmed, 1 presumptive
Prince Edward Island: 2 confirmed
The Territories: No confirmed cases
Total: 1,085 (33 presumptive, 1,052 confirmed including 13 deaths, 11 resolved)
This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 21, 2020.

Saskatchewan to supply limited funding to residents forced to self isolate
Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe is announcing stricter restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and money for those in self-isolation.

The government says it will give residents forced to self-isolate who aren’t covered by federal employment insurance programs $450 per week for a maximum of two weeks.

Moe says this program mostly applies to self-employed residents and will cost $10 million.

He also announced the ban on large gatherings will drop to no more than 25 people in one room except where two-metre social distancing can be maintained, and that bars and restaurants will be closing.

The government is also making it mandatory that people returning to Saskatchewan from foreign travel must self-isolate for 14 days and Moe says if they don’t they could be arrested or face fines.

Public health officials also announced six new presumptive cases of COVID-19.

The province has eight confirmed and 18 presumptive cases.

EI applications surge by 500,000 in just one week

Canadians have been trying to come to grips with a surreal new norm over the past week as the pandemic increasingly encroaches on every-day life. Businesses, schools and previously routine activities have been shutting down en masse as a growing number of people are forced into self-isolation or urged to practice social distancing to help “flatten the curve.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Service Canada and other government agencies have seen an exponential surge of calls for help in recent weeks, noting the government some logged 500,000 applications for employment insurance this past week, compared to 27,000 during the same period a year ago.

All Vancouver restaurants to close for dine-in service

All restaurants in Vancouver must be closed for dine-in service as of midnight.

Mayor Kennedy Stewart says the order will be enforced for restaurants that do not comply, starting with a notice that could escalate to prosecution if there is continued non-compliance.

Malcolm Bromley, general manager of Vancouver’s park board, said the department has also decided to close its playgrounds across the city.

The provincial government ordered bars and nightclubs to close earlier this week.

Sandra Singh, manager of arts, culture and community services for the city, said there is now a plan in place for the potential use of Vancouver’s community centres as shelters for homeless people.

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Jose S Vanhorne
Jose S. Vanhorne 3714 Gambler Lane Deer Park, TX 77536 [email protected] 281-884-7952


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