Colombia - tourist helps Edmonton researchers in discovery of rare fish fossil. The fossil, called Candelarhynchus padillai, is approximately 90 million years old, and has no modern relatives, explained Oksana Vernygora, PhD student in the Department of Biological Sciences and lead author on the study. The discovery was made with the...
2100-Year-Old Egyptian ‘Hawk’ Mummy Turns Out To Be A Child. The Maidstone Museum in the UK has an unusual Egyptian mummy dating from the Ptolemaic Period in its collection, where it was originally listed as a mummified hawk. A CT scan in 2016 revealed it was actually a human fetus,...
NASA may be unable to stop an enormous asteroid which could crash into Earth in 2135, scientists have warned. It is estimated that Bennu, which is the size of the Empire State Building, would unleash 1,200 megatons of energy on impact, 80,000 times that of the Hiroshima bomb. Members of a...
There were many circumstances the place unidentified flying items were observed soaring within the skies throughout other portions of the arena. However, the newest video has captured a singular form of mysterious flying object that appears just like the UFO of extraterrestrial beings. The footage of the mysterious object was...
In 2016, our colleague Xing Lida held up a small piece of polished, deeply yellow amber. As sunlight shone through the ancient resin, Lida saw the outline of a pristinely preserved, amazingly small skull. There was a prominent eye socket, a dome-shaped crown of the head, a long, tapering...
Researchers say they have successfully grown and harvested their first crop of vegetables, without soil or sunlight, and in the future, it could help astronauts grow food on other planets. "We have learned a lot about self-sufficient plant breeding in the last few weeks, it has become clear that Antarctica...
A jawbone of a giant ichthyosaur found in England may belong to one of the largest animals that ever lived. Found by fossil collector Paul de la Salle in Lilstock, Somerset, the 205 million-year-old remains have now been analysed by an international team of palaeontologists. They concluded it belonged to a...
New year, worse weather. After a relatively mild start to the winter season, 2019 is about to get a lot colder—and the polar vortex is to blame. This whirlwind of cold air forms every fall and sits in the stratosphere above the North Pole, but it split into multiple parts...
A team working on widening the A14 have found evidence of what archaeologists believe to be the first beer brewed in the UK. Experts working on the road improvements between Cambridge and Huntingdon said tiny fragments of charred residue from the brewing process were found in excavated earth. They believe the...
Professor Didier Queloz from the University of Cambridge has been jointly awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics along with Professor James Peebles and Professor Michel Mayor for their pioneering advances in physical cosmology, and the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star. Queloz is Professor of Physics at...