Scientists say new information gathered on the asteroid 16 Psyche - a 140-mile-long minor planet situated within the main asteroid belt orbiting between Mars and Jupiter - via the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) will provide astronomical scientists with a clearer view of the rare metal asteroid and possibly provide...
An international team of researchers has defied nature to make diamonds in minutes in a laboratory at room temperature - a process that normally requires billions of years, huge amounts of pressure and super-hot temperatures. The team, led by The Australian National University (ANU) and RMIT University, made two types...
A total of three Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA) are expected to pass by the planet this Tuesday in varying times, the same day when Mars will be in opposition. One of the NEAs to zip by is three times the size of the Statue of Liberty in New York. The first of the three...
From schools of fish, to herds of antelope and even human societies, one of the group's many advantages is its inherent safety. Surrounded by their peers, individuals can lower their vigilance and calmly engage in other activities, such as foraging, or watching YouTube videos. But the Safety in Numbers rule...
Phantom ships that appear to be sailing in circles off the coast of San Francisco have been discovered by an analyst examining vessel tracking data. Bjorn Bergman, from SkyTruth and Global Fishing Watch, has identified nine boats broadcasting signals that suggest they were around Point Reyes, northwest of the...
Tucked away in a canyon on Mars, scientists have discovered a windswept field of solid sand, which turned to rock roughly a billion years ago. Mapping extensive sedimentary rock deposits in the Valles Marineris region of Mars show clear evidence for preserved lithification and burial of dune fields, a paper...
The only total solar eclipse of 2020 crossed parts of Chile and Argentina on Monday afternoon, December 14, plunging the region into total darkness for a few minutes in the middle of the day. Thousands of international visitors were expected in Chile to view the astronomical phenomenon. Argentina, however,...
Turkish police have seized a Bible thought to be 1,200 years old from a suspected smuggling gang. Six people have been arrested after allegedly attempting the sell the ancient manuscript in the southeastern Diyarbakir province. The Biblical text was written across 34 pages of leather with gold-encrusted religious motifs. Police are investigating...
Turn your summer staycation into a cosmic holiday with a visit to one of the universe’s many exoplanets. NASA has given UFO hunters, space boffins and astronomy enthusiasts an unprecedented opportunity to set foot on alien worlds and planets discovered by the incredible Kepler Space Telescope, with the aid of...
Researchers using high-resolution satellite imagery and a geospatial algorithm to identify rapid and abrupt landscape change in the Arctic find additional indicators of ground collapse due to warming climate In 2014, workers on the Yamal Peninsula in western Siberia noticed a deep, mysterious crater within the permafrost that had seemingly...