US Pet Food Recall Could Mean Danger for Your Dog or Cat, Report

US Pet Food Recall Could Mean Danger for Your Dog or Cat, Report
US Pet Food Recall Could Mean Danger for Your Dog or Cat, Report

Midwestern Pet Foods Inc is expanding a recall to include several more products sold under its Sportmix brand and other labels after at least 70 dogs died and 80 others are known to have become ill, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced on Tuesday.

The food was found to have potentially unsafe levels of aflatoxins, a byproduct of mold, and the company is expanding its voluntary recall of pet foods issued on Dec. 30.

“As of January 11, 2021, FDA is aware of more than 70 pets that have died and more than 80 pets that are sick after eating Sportmix pet food,” the agency said.

Aflatoxin can grow on corn and other grains used in pet foods, according the FDA. At high levels, it can cause illness and death.

The Evansville, Indiana-based company, which has been family owned since 1926, said in a statement that until recently it has never had a product recall.

The product recall includes Midwestern brands Sportmix, Pro Pac Originals, Splash, Sportstrail and Nunn Better dry dog and cat foods produced at its Oklahoma factory, the company said.

“We continue a thorough review of our facilities and practices in full cooperation with FDA in an effort to better serve our customers and pet parents who have put their trust in us,” the company said.

The FDA said that the actual number of dead and sickened animals might not be reflected in its count.

The agency said it “continues to work with veterinarians and state partners to follow up on suspected cases of aflatoxin poisoning.”

Symptoms of aflatoxin poisoning include sluggishness, loss of appetite and vomiting, the FDA said.

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Jose S Vanhorne
Jose S. Vanhorne 3714 Gambler Lane Deer Park, TX 77536 [email protected] 281-884-7952


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