Homeless Jesus statue put on bench in Ohio (Picture)

Homeless Jesus statue put on bench in Ohio (Picture)
Homeless Jesus statue put on bench in Ohio (Picture)

People in US mistake statue as a human being, called cops to check on

People in Ohio, United States, got confused after seeing a bronze statue depicting Jesus Christ as a homeless person lying under a blanket and called the cop by considering the statue a real man. The statue was installed on a bench at a ground of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Bay Village on Monday. The pastor of the church, Fr. Alex Martin tweeted about the incident, which read, “Within twenty minutes of the statue arriving, I was having a conversation with a very kind police officer because someone called to report a homeless man sleeping on a park bench. Within twenty minutes…”

Martin also shared a link in one of his tweets where one can donate to help the needy people. He wrote, “Every penny raised will be used to feed, clothe, and house those in need. Hopefully some good will come from all this.”

According to the report published by Cleveland Scene, the church at St. Barnabas will host the statue until December 1. The statue is designed by Timothy Schmalz and has been placed at various churches and religious organizations in the area since October 2018. The statue has been made to inspire people to help homeless. He wrote in an email that the sculpture reminds people that even though homelessness is a not a significant problem in the immediate neighbourhood, they don’t have to drive far to find those in tremendous need.

This is not the first time that people called police about the homeless Jesus. It happened earlier in 2014, where a woman called the cops about the same when the statue was sleeping in Davidson, N.C. People even left offerings of food, books, a Buffalo Bills cap and a scarf, when the statue was installed in Buffalo, N.Y., in 2015. Many Churches have installed statue to raise awareness about homelessness and raise funds to help the homeless and needy people.

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Jose S Vanhorne
Jose S. Vanhorne 3714 Gambler Lane Deer Park, TX 77536 [email protected] 281-884-7952


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