Following the announcement that Health Canada has authorized remdesivir to treat patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, confirmed the supply is “very limited” globally.
Dr. Tam anticipates the company will begin to expand its capacity but the current supply is “not plentiful.” She said Canadians officials will do what they can to get the drug for Canadians.
Canada’s chief public health officer said the seven-day rolling average for daily case counts in Canada continues to increase, currently sitting at 496 cases.
“The upward trend in this indicator of COVID-19 activity is something that we must keep a very close eye on,” Dr. Tam said. “The fate of the flattening of the curve is still within each of our hands.”
She urged Canadians to limit social contacts and practice effective personal hygiene.
With increasing concerns about possible exposures at restaurants and bars, Dr. Tam revealed she has not ventured out to these settings.
“I go to the grocery store with my mask on, very infrequently,” she said, adding that she would probably be more comfortable outside than inside right now.