Coronavirus Canada updates: Ontario returns to over 100 daily cases of COVID-19; Ottawa surge continues

Coronavirus Canada Updates: New Brunswick reports five new COVID-19 cases Friday, active cases drop to 156
Coronavirus Canada Updates: New Brunswick reports five new COVID-19 cases Friday, active cases drop to 156

Ontario reported 134 new cases of COVID-19, which ends a two-day streak of reporting fewer than 100 daily cases. Before the recent stretch, it had not done so since March 24.

Of the most recent patients, 26 were identified in Ottawa, 24 in Windsor-Essex, 20 in Peel, and 19 in both Toronto and Southwestern Public Health. Twenty-eight of the province’s 34 public health units reported five or fewer cases, while 16 of them reported zero.

The cases were identified after the province completed 30,033 tests for COVID-19 in its latest 24-hour stretch.

Ottawa has recently seen a surge in cases, many of them linked to private house gatherings. According to CBC, the national capital had 40 active cases on June 30. That number now stands at 271.

“These numbers are concerning,” said Dr. Vera Etches, Ottawa’s medical officer of health.

“They don’t appear to be linked to the implementation of Stage 2 and Stage 3, rather, what we’re seeing is primarily linked to our social behaviours and indoor gatherings.”

On Friday, Ontario also reported three additional deaths on Friday, raising the death toll to 2,775 in the province. They are among Ontario’s 39,209 cases of COVID-19, including 35,074 recovered patients, up by 168 since Thursday’s update.

Of the province’s 1,360 active cases of COVID-19, there are 78 people in hospital (down by six), which includes 29 people in intensive care (up by two), and 15 who require a ventilator (down by one).

According to the Ministry of Long-Term Care, there are 17 active outbreaks among facilities in the province. In those facilities, nine residents are currently infected (down by three) and 37 staff members.

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