Coronavirus Canada Updates: New Brunswick reports two new cases of COVID-19

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Coronavirus Canada Updates: Nine New Deaths Linked to COVID-19 in Windsor-Essex

New Brunswick reported two new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday in the Fredericton region.

The two new cases both involve individuals age 30 to 39 in the Fredericton region (Zone 3)

Public Health says the cases are self-isolating and under investigation.

Two previously reported cases are now considered recovered, leaving 28 active cases in the province.

New Brunswick has 349 confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which 315 have recovered. There have been six deaths, leaving 28 active cases in the province.

Five patients are hospitalized, but there are no longer any patients in the intensive care unit.

As of Thursday, 105,242 COVID-19 tests had been conducted in the province.


New Brunswick’s Campbellton region (Zone 5) will return to the yellow level of the province’s COVID-19 recovery plan at midnight Friday.

Public Health says they made the recommendation based upon a consistent downward trend in the number of cases and a significant decline in the risk of further infections.

“Based on the measures taken by the community, we are accepting the recommendation of Public Health that the Campbellton region return to the Yellow level as of midnight,” said Premier Blaine Higgs in a release.

“The community showed what is possible by working together and I thank them for their dedicated efforts in making this happen. I also recognize the outstanding efforts by our health-care workers who continue to work in so many different capacities to help manage the virus. In addition, I thank our provincial government employees who are working on border control duties both on the frontlines and behind the scenes. Their efforts are not only helping to keep our province safe but also our neighbours in the Atlantic bubble,” added Higgs.

The Campbellton region had transitioned back to the orange level on Oct. 9, after an outbreak in the area. Between Oct. 8 and Oct. 9, 83 new cases were reported in the region.

As of Thursday, there are 14 active cases in the Campbellton region.

In the Yellow level, Public Health measures and guidelines must still be followed. This includes wearing a mask in all indoor public places. Recovery level rules are available online.

“Returning Zone 5 to the Yellow level is the result of an immense amount of collaboration involving public health workers, staff at the regional health authority, local civic leaders and, most importantly, the residents of the region,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health. “The risks of COVID-19 continue to increase all around the Atlantic bubble. In fact, lockdowns are imminent in England, parts of Europe and in the United States and Canada. That is why we must mitigate the risk by doing our very best to keep the virus out by implementing evidence-based measures such as limiting our number of close contacts, physical distancing, wearing your mask, staying home if you are sick and getting tested even if you have mild symptoms.”


New Brunswick public health is also advising of potential exposure to COVID-19 on a pair of Oct. 24 Air Canada flights.

Public health says they identified a positive case in a traveller who may have been infectious on Oct. 24 while on the following flights:

Air Canada Flight 322 – from Calgary to Montreal; and
Air Canada Flight 8792 – from Montreal to Saint John arrived at 6:12 p.m.
Individuals who travelled on these flights should self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days after the flight.

Should any COVID-19 symptoms develop, they are directed to self-isolate and take the self-assessment online or to call 811 to get tested.


The number of cases are broken down by New Brunswick’s seven health zones:

Zone 1 – Moncton region: 94 confirmed cases (1 active case)
Zone 2 – Saint John region: 33 confirmed cases (1 active case)
Zone 3 – Fredericton region: 70 confirmed cases (10 active cases)
Zone 4 – Edmundston region: 8 confirmed cases
Zone 5 – Campbellton region: 136 confirmed cases (14 active cases)
Zone 6 – Bathurst region: 4 confirmed cases (1 active case)
Zone 7 – Miramichi region: 4 confirmed cases (1 active case)

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