Coronavirus Canada Updates: Manitoba reports another 360 COVID-19 cases, five deaths Thursday

Coronavirus : Manitoba records 102 new COVID cases; three deaths reported Tuesday
Coronavirus : Manitoba records 102 new COVID cases; three deaths reported Tuesday

Manitoba’s COVID-19 caseload bounced back up on Thursday with 360 new cases being reported on Thursday, an increase of 93 over Wednesday, along with five more deaths.

Overall hospitalizations increased by three to 297, and those in ICU dropped by one to 68.

Manitoba five-day test positivity stands at 11.5% and it’s now at 13.2% for Winnipeg.

Total lab-confirmed COVD-19 cases in the province is now 51,935 with 4,179 active cases, 46,689 recoveries and 1,067 deaths.

Winnipeg reported the most new cases with 220, while there were 56 in the South, 42 in Prairie Mountain, 23 in the North and 19 in the Interlake.

Three of the deaths were in the Winnipeg region with two women, one in her 40s and the other in her 90s and a man in his 70s. The other two were a man in his 70s from the North and a man in his 80s from the South.

There were 2,933 test completed on Wednesday bringing the total done since February 2020 to 778,451.

Public health officials advise all public and independent kindergarten to Grade 12 schools in Morden will move to remote learning effective Monday until June 21. Public health will review the situation at that time. The change has been recommended as COVID-19 case counts are elevated in the community.

The outbreak has been declared over at École Marie-Anne-Gaboury in Winnipeg.

As of Thursday afternoon, there have been 888,981 doses of vaccine shot into arms in Manitoba. That means 66.9% of those 18-plus and 63.5% of those 12-plus. This includes 124,109 people with two doses and 758,079 with a single shot.

Manitoba has so far received 1,041,040 doses of vaccine.

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