Coronavirus Canada Updates: Here’s how to track COVID-19 vaccination rates in Ontario

Coronavirus Canada Updates: Ontario hits vaccine targets to enter Step 3 weeks ahead of schedule
Coronavirus Canada Updates: Ontario hits vaccine targets to enter Step 3 weeks ahead of schedule

The percentage of Ontarians who’ve been vaccinated suddenly got more interesting this week after the province released a reopening plan tied to immunization rates.

Hitting milestones for the proportion of adults with a first and second dose now offers more than just feelings of hope — the figures are directly tied to more restrictions relaxing.

But Ontario doesn’t neatly present vaccination rates by first and second dose on its COVID-19 dashboard at the moment — instead it tracks by the number of doses administered.

One could always do a rough calculation by dividing the number of doses administered by Ontario’s population — which is approximately 14.7 million according to Statistics Canada.

Officials also sometimes provide updates on vaccination rates at briefings. Health Minister Christine Elliott said Thursday about 58% of adults have a first dose and that’s expected to climb to 65% by the end of May.

But for those who want to keep a closer eye on vaccination rates, luckily there are a few online tools to help.

Government of Canada tracker

The federal government tracks infection and vaccination data country-wide with a handy interactive map.

The only problem is that it’s not updated very frequently. Right now it pegs Ontario as having 39% of adults vaccinated as of May 8, which is much less than provincial officials are reporting.

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