Virtual offices are gaining in popularity across the U.S. In Chicago, companies like Amata are helping out-of-town business owners expand their organization to Windy City locations and skipping the monstrous rates of Loop pricing. Business owners have the ability to choose the location for their virtual building; choose a private...
Many have lamented the complexity of the mortgage industry. Yet today's advanced technology allows for better quality control than ever. Lenders have been grappling with methods to insure that regulations are met and that all criteria is effectively examined before the granting of a mortgage loan. Lenders who take...
Divorce is a topic we've seen a lot in the headlines lately as several beloved celebrity couples announced they were calling it quits. Breakups such as Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton, Reba McEntire, and most recently, Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy, have social media abuzz with comments. Last year,...
Investors living in and around Los Angeles often consider buying properties out of state to get the best value for their money. Real estate clubs in southern California often invite loan officers and real estate agents from growth-oriented cities to promote the value. Northeast of Los Angeles in the High...
When a business is responsible for handling the finances of their customers, such as those who handle mortgages, it is important to have quality assurance policies in place. These policies help to define the way that the business handles every step of the process in order to meet the...
Competition between financial planners is very intense. They are given lofty goals for attracting new accounts and for increasing the assets managed for their existing clients. Daniel Davis, a new financial planner, was finding the situation very stressful so he turned to a professional coach to help him achieve...
What is a mortgage pipeline? It is akin to a holding tank where loans that have been "locked in" go until the loan is placed into the loan portfolio, is sold, or falls out. According to Investopedia's definition of a mortgage pipeline, mortgages in the pipeline are "locked" and...
Equity loans are an option to consider when there are large debt troubles: medical needs, and children to put through college, remodeling work needed or want to invest in new property. Owning a home may seem like a great ticket to manage major money troubles as long as there...
It is an acknowledged fact that most businesses need a helping for importing material from China. This is why a procuring agent is so important. Be it an individual or a company, they act as a procuring agent of sorts. This purchasing agent, China would help you achieve a...
Investment professionals at firms like SureTrader work to help their clients understand how to effectively manage their portfolios for success. Whether you are a short-term trader or a long-term investor, it’s important to understand how you want to approach the market and what steps need to be taken to...