Divorce at any age or stage in life can be difficult -- both emotionally and financially. Yet, couples divorcing after age 50 face unique financial challenges that should be examined and resolved during the divorce process. Most couples in this category have the added burden of dividing a life-time of...
Aftеr ѕеvеrаl weeks оf jоb intеrviеwѕ, and реrhарѕ оnе оr two pre-employment assessment tests, уоu finаllу gеt your jоb оffеr. The ѕаlаrу аnd bеnеfitѕ lооk acceptable. But before уоu accept that оffеr аnd tеndеr your rеѕignаtiоn at уоur сurrеnt jоb, thеrе are a fеw thingѕ уоu ѕhоuld know about...
Networking is talking to people, establishing connections and developing relationships to build your circle of influence. Business networking is essentially the same except the main focus in business networking is to help develop and grow the business. Networking means meeting people you can do business with or refer people...
Golden period for the working individuals begin when right after buckling down the greater part of their lives anticipate resigning and deriving boundless pleasure and recreation during this unwinding period then often they have to undergo uninvited illness. The life insurance is set up to pass on to their...
Debt has been a sad fact of life in the modern times. It has been piling up year after year. Even the governments of countries with the largest economies has loans falling due as time progresses. Even the wealthiest people have payables. Some of these two groups even have...
A recent discussion with a medical equipment provider yielded surprising information. The issue at stake is how business finds and arrives at the provider. To understand the surprise, it is important to understand the situation. A local medical device provider resides in a small strip mall and this mall has...