Astronaut accidentally calls 911 from space (Reports)

Astronaut accidentally calls 911 from space (Reports)
Astronaut accidentally calls 911 from space (Reports)

Talk about a wrong number! Dutch astronaut, Andre Kuipers, accidently called 911 while in orbit on the International Space Station. He talked about the mistake on a Dutch radio program.

Kuipers said when astronauts want to call NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston they have to dial 9 to get an outside line. Then they dial 011 for an international line. Kuipers says his fingers didn’t dial correctly and he ended up with 911.

“If you’re in space, it’s like you’re making a call via Houston, first you dial the 9 for an outside line and then 011 for an international line,” Kuipers told the hosts of ‘With The Eye on Tomorrow’. “I made a mistake, and the next day I received an email message: did you call 911?”

Kuipers joked that he was a little disappointed that no one came to the International Space Center to check on him– 200 miles above earth.

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