Coronavirus Canada Updates: Active COVID-19 cases in Ottawa drop below 600; positivity rate falls below 2 per cent

One death, seven new COVID-19 cases in Nova Scotia on Tuesday
One death, seven new COVID-19 cases in Nova Scotia on Tuesday

Ottawa Public Health is reporting another drop in active cases of COVID-19 and the testing positivity rate in Ottawa.

OPH added 22 new cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa on Monday. On Sunday, Ottawa Public Health reported 46 new cases.

According to OPH’s COVID-19 dashboard, the city has seen 13,358 total laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa since the pandemic began.

No new deaths were reported in Ottawa on Monday. The pandemic death toll from COVID-19 is 422 residents.

On Sunday, Ottawa’s key COVID-19 indicators fell out of the “Red” zone in Ontario’s COVID-19 restriction system. The COVID-19 rate per 100,000 dropped to 38.9 cases, down from 42.5 cases per 100,000 on Saturday. Under Ontario’s COVID-19 response framework, the guidelines for the “red-control” zone is more than 40 cases per 100,000 and a positivity rate of 2.5 per cent.

On Monday, OPH announced a further decrease in these stats, including the testing positivity rate falling below 2 per cent.

Provincewide, health officials reported 1,969 new cases of COVID-19 in Ontario and 36 new deaths. The province also reported 2,132 new resolved cases.

Ottawa Public Health moved Ottawa into its red zone in early January.

A provincial stay-at-home order has been in effect since Jan. 14, 2021.

Ottawa Public Health data:

COVID-19 cases per 100,000 (previous seven days): 36.8 cases (Down from 38.9 cases on Sunday, 42.5 cases on Saturday, and 44.0 cases on Friday)
Positivity rate in Ottawa: 1.8 per cent (Jan. 25 – Jan. 31)
Reproduction number: 0.87 (seven day average)
Reproduction values greater than 1 indicate the virus is spreading and each case infects more than one contact. If it is less than 1, it means spread is slowing.

As of Feb. 1.

Doses administered in Ottawa: 26,337*
Doses received in Ottawa: 25,350

OPH says staff were able to extract additional doses out of several vials, which were given to residents. In a statement on its dashboard, OPH said, “Vaccine inventory is based on an expected 5 dose per vial supply. Occasionally, an additional dose (6th dose) is successfully extracted and administered to clients.”

The number of people with known active cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa has fallen below 600 for the first time since Jan. 1.

OPH reported 599 active cases on Monday, down from 648 on Sunday.

Seventy-one new resolved cases were reported on Monday, bringing Ottawa’s total number of resolved cases to 12,337.

The number of active cases is the number of total laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 minus the numbers of resolved cases and deaths. A case is considered resolved 14 days after known symptom onset or positive test result.

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